Share the Wealth, Not the Violence

Last year a study put out by the United Nations estimated that if 240 of the richest people in the world tithed just 4% of their surplus wealth, this would be sufficient to supply everyone on this planet with the basic necessities of life. Sufficient food, clean water, shelter, education and health care could be provided from that 4%. We need to share the wealth.

People who are well fed, whose children are being educated, well housed and have pure water and working sewage systems do not conspire to commit terrible acts of unprovoked violence. You do not get Pacific Islanders and other people from sharing and caring cultures being influenced by religious fanatics to bomb and kill innocent people.

We need to share the wealth. Last year a study put out by the United Nations estimated that if 240 of the richest people in the world tithed just 4% of their surplus wealth, this would be sufficient to supply everyone on this planet with the basic necessities of life. Sufficient food, clean water, shelter, education and health care could be provided from that 4%.

In addition we also need to provide the technology, equipment and know how for poor countries to be able to start creating their own production base so that they can create their own wealth. Religious fanatics will have a very hard time influencing productive and satisfied people.

Religious fanaticism and violence stem from poverty and frustration. We need a Marshall plan for the Middle East and other destitute countries to deal with the core of the problem. In the long run apart from being a more loving and humane way of helping our fellow man it will also be less expensive than having to defend ourselves, attack our enemies and rebuild our cities. If people world-wide become more affluent and don't have to scrabble from day to day just to survive they will have time and energy to produce which will also lead to extending our markets.

Rayner Garner

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